Sunday, September 10, 2023

The World Needs Art More Than Ever

We are now entering into the last few months of 2023 and the world is shifting significantly. There have been many technological developments, societal changes, and a coming shift in the global world order. You may think what does this have to do with art. At moments of major change, art is the very thing that can assist during these new developments. We believe that the various mediums of artistic expression are pivotable to traversing these coming new paradigms on planet Earth. So if you are an artist, keep making art. If you are a supporter of art, keep supporting. We here at EIF are contiuning to do our part to add to the diverse tapestry of the artistic world. The Captain Che Quartez has been sharing an immense amount of art the last few years. gotchaman! is adding more as well. If you have supported our continuning mission of expressing art, Thank you very much. Currently, there is an abundance of things that can occupy your focus and attention. We appreciate you giving us some of your time. We hope after you experience our creations you walk away a little more curious, A bit more open. A bit more happy. We know that life's journey can be overwhelming at times. And if we have assisted you in navigating it in anyway, we have done our job. So as we close out this year, we wish you health and prosperity. Until next time. Think.