Saturday, March 22, 2014


You are a wonderful creation. You are a miracle. So relax and enjoy yourself and others. Let all the negativity of the week dissipate. Bathe in the positive vibes that surround you. Smile and breath. Take time to rest and appreciate the sound of silence. Reflect on lessons learned. Be in the moment. Spread love and I promise will feel great!!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Old Is New Again

The time has changed. Mother nature shall soon bless us with an abundance of warm embraces. With that comes a new kind of beauty. Another spectacle of wonderous proportions. So during the upcoming season please stay positive and think before you act. Something about the warmth that tends to amplify conflicts between us human beings. When feeling tense, stop for a moment and breath deeply. Then ponder the situation before making any irrational acts. Is it really that "deep"? Have you been wronged so dramaticaly that you are entertaining morally questionable actions? Stay in the positive. You know what the right decision is. Keep your moral compass centered. Stay on your path. Do not let anyone guide you elsewhere. Take the high road and you shall reach your destination with peace of mind. Those that try to sway or disrupt your journey are lessons to be learned, Obstacles to overcome.
So as we enter another lovely summer, enjoy all it has to offer and Embrace The Present.

The Captain