Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Decade of Expression

A decade is coming to a close. We will be in year 10 of this EIF thing in 2020. It's been 9 years of exploring our artistic selves while balancing the duties and responsibilities of the daily grind of being a human being on planet Earth. If you are reading this, then you are a part of this journey. Thank you for joining us on our life's long journey of engaging in the arts. It has been a wonderful experience of exploring the craft of expression in a multitude of ways. Hopefully you are doing the same. If you are not hopefully you soon will be. Out of all the pleasures that exist in the universe, expression sits among the top of the heap. We have so much gratitude that we have been able to engage in the craft of expression for the past 9 yrs. So if you have listened, shared, viewed, engaged with any of our arts, gratitude! Until next we talk, may your new year be blessed and filled with happiness and good vibes. Peace and love.