Thursday, December 5, 2013


The world is in a state of constant birth and rebirth. Go and stop. Night and day. Here and there. ect.... As we navigate this physical world at what is seemingly warp speed, change is a constant. So We should..No we must appreciate every moment we experience. We must live in that moment and take pleasure in that moment for it may never come again. We all have an expiration date. So take the time to be the best you you can be. Do do do. The negative that comes at you, learn lessons from it. Transform the hate into great. Turn disadvantage into advantage. You are the master of your sphere. You are the Captain of your ship. Explore. Seek out. Boldly go. So once you reach the end of your journey you will not ponder of what could have been. You will not regret, because you DID.

- The Captain

Thursday, November 28, 2013


If you are reading this then you have rose from your slumber once again. The universe has blessed you with the precious gift of life. So inhale and feel the breath of life flow through your body. Appreciate that you are able to walk the lands of the earth once more. Appreciate the beauty of the sunrise, the song from the birds and the warmth from connections with family and friends. Move past the trivial conflicts and problems of yesterday. Today is a new day. A new way. So on this day and everyday, see and know your life is a fantastic and wonderful one. It may not seem that way at times, but when you perceive it for the truth that it is you will KNOW you are a miracle. The world is yours to explore and enjoy. So go out and WILL IT INTO EXISTENCE. 

Friday, October 11, 2013


The world is a large and complex place. It is filled with the most magnificent sites to behold. It also has its share of ugly. So while existing in a universe consisting of such ups and downs it is best to #EmbraceThePresent. You should roam the land and experience all that life has to offer........let's be responsible though :) So this weekend while your off from your daily grind put all the problems, conflicts, and negativity to the side. Enjoy yourself. Relax. Hug your loved ones and be thankful for another day of the precious breath of life.


Tuesday, May 7, 2013


    Tony Stark is the perfect hero to exist in today's internet age.  In a world where virtually everyone is connected to tech and computers it would seem he was taylored to fit today's society. Tony Stark is a man with a huge ego dependent on his machines to make sense of the chaotic world. Has he lost his humanity? This is explored in Iron Man 3. What exactly is Tony the man capable of? What does the man that has everything truly value?
      On his journery he encounters some who have discarded their humanity in the name of profit and power. Their worlds collide and destruction and carnage follow. Along the way he encounters deception and misdirection trying to foil his mission to stop evil once again. Tony Starks seems a different man since all of the extraordinary happenings around the globe that has occured after he first put on the suit. This go around captures Mr. Stark dealing with that in this excellent comic book movie adventure.
     I was very satisfied with the movie. Well done. A nice balance of action and meaningful dialogue that explores what I stated above. So if you hated it because its variance from the books you should look at the movie universe with its own cannon and history. The books are the inspiration, not a to-be-followed exactly blueprint.
     The Captain gives it 4 out of 5 "make it so's"

Saturday, April 6, 2013

SHould U Try On COstumes Now

Ah.... The Con season has started up once again. Excellent!!! So EIF strolled to downtown Magicland(Lansing-our stopping grounds) on Friday. Transporting us to the wonderful world of Shuto Con
Now every time I visit a con I feel like I'm in a different universe. That's a good thing. A marvelous break from the mundane routine that is my life sometimes. 
     At Shuto the cosplayers were out in droves(I so should of rocked my costume), my dvds and video games come to life. Numerous amounts of visual stimuli to take in.The vendors were splendid and full of great merch (these events always have terrific vendors). The video gaming rooms were top notch. The big three in full effect to satisfy all the gamer fanboys. Also hit a couple of panels on Friday. The Sean Schemmel panel was excellent. Dude was real cool. The type of dude you could have a beer with. Told stories about his work, the biz and other interesting things. Also checked out the voice acting vs stage acting panel. They were wonderful, touching on many various topics related to different types of acting.  
     Unfortunately after all this it was time to go. :(
Time flys......You know the saying.
Well done Shuto Con. Thanks for adding to the wonderful magic that is Magicland (Lansing)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Snitching can be good or bad depending who you ask, but I think we can all agree The Rock's Snitch is excellent. This role is one of the Rock's best yet. After watching Dwayne's flicks over the years I can see he has grown as an actor. It was very refreshing seeing him in a more vulnerable role than usual. This is not the Walking Tall rock. This is a serious drama that gives The Rock the opportunity to go beyond some of the one dimensional roles we've seen him in the past. I see big things for Rocky in the future. He just needs that one great role to push him into the top echelon of Hollywood. I may just be a bit biased though. I have to tell you I am a huge fan of Dwayne Johnson since he started in the WWE back in the days. 
     In addition to The Rock being in the film there were some great supporting roles from some Hollywood vets. Susan Sarandon, Barry Pepper, Benjamin Bratt and Omar (Michael K. Williams)!!!! still keeping it hood. lol. Overall a solid film worth a viewing at the theater. EIF gives it 4 out of 5 New WWE Heavy Weight Title belts. 

Existing In Fiction

Friday, February 22, 2013


#TheCaptain Quartez is live-tweeting the #AncientAlien marathon right now!!!  follow here --->MayanRapGod 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Have you always wanted to name a moon???? Well now you can put your input into the process. Two of Pluto's moons are up for some names and YOU can help. Hit this link Vulcan (hint hint) There are many wonderful choices. Infinite Diversity Infinite Combinations.



Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013


How long does it take to really know somebody? I've been pondering this question the last couple weeks. Recently the Captain was made aware of some information about a couple people that I have known for many years. The situations I heard about had me very surprised. I would not have thought in either situation that they would have acted in the way they did. I guess I'm not as good  at judging character as I thought.
     So how long would you say it takes to "know" somebody ?  Do you really ever 'know" somebody. Looks like I'll be doing some meditation on this. If you have any thoughts on the matter please comment.

Until next time cyberspace stay


Tuesday, January 8, 2013


TRUTH- Sincerity in action, character, and utterance.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth- BUDDHA

The new year has begun. Seek your truth.